September 9, 2004 marked the sixth International Day of Prevention Effects of alcohol on the fetus.
What happened exactly at the meeting on September 9?
Collaboration with other partners, outreach events were organized for moms, teens, families and healthcare professionals :
» The church bells rang the meeting at 9 am for a 09 minute reflection
» A debate on the issues of the problem « Alcohol and Pregnancy » took place on the shelves of RFO but also …
» Stands with small knots and distribution of information leaflets were there
» Playing back a message of awareness among students in primary schools
» Student nurses (with the support of the Institute of Nursing Education) and student midwives brought a message of prevention to the attention of hospital staff
» Delegates medical doctors have provided information on the effects of alcohol on the fetus. and its prevention and the specific tools developed in Reunion Island by Reunisaf (first national preventive effects of alcohol on the fetus).
» A conference on » FAS Yesterday and Today « was organized by the Institute R. DEBRE
This year, a further step was taken in the collective consciousness, the message is passed to the legislature through the adoption of amendments supported by our Senator Anne-Marie Payet. In addition, during these days, our Minister of Health is positioned for the labeling of a prevention message on bottles of alcoholic beverages.
All these events were relayed by the media (television, radio, and print) :
« Fighting together against a preventable disability » is the meaning of the International Day for the prevention of the effects of alcohol on the fetus, which takes place today.
September 10, 2004 – Sixth day of fetal alcohol syndrome
Particularly active in the Meeting, the Prevention Network Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (Reunisaf) multiplied animations, yesterday, on the occasion of the 6th International Day dedicated to this …
The 6th International Day for the prevention of the effects of alcohol on the fetus, yesterday was an opportunity to inform and educate the public on this important public health problem.