Monitoring Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder during the neonatal period in France
Alcohol is a known teratogenic and foetotoxic agent. At birth, only the complete foetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and at most a suspicion for some incomplete syndromic forms can be diagnosed. Yet, other Consequences of prenatal Alcohol Exposure (CAE) can also be observed and recorded in the neonatal period.
Hypotrophy and FAS
Preliminary study of the prevalence of hypotrophy and fetal alcohol syndrome in Antananarivo, Madagascar By Mbolanirina L. Rakotomahefa Narison, Arthur B. A. Ratsimbazafy, Zo L. Andrianadison, Honore S. Raobijaona Abstract Background: Hypotrophy is a major contributor to neonatal mortality and morbidity in underdeveloped countries. In Madagascar, efforts have been made to improve this situation, particularly with regard to prevention and early treatment. This prevention is mainly focused on the search for determining factors. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is not yet mentioned in Madagascar although more than 9% of Tananarivian women drink alcohol. A study was conducted in our department to [...]

International FASD Conference